Recommendations to merchant traffic transiting the Red Sea:
- When a vessel receives any indication of being under surveillance or being tracked (direct call, small craft approach or drone overflight), it is advised to implement actions that make it difficult to anticipate its trajectory.
- Turn off the Automatic Identification System (AIS).
- Conduct night transits through the ATALANTA High Risk Area in the Red Sea.
- Transit as far as possible from the Yemeni coast of the Red Sea to reduce the likelihood of Houthi weapons impact.
- It is strongly recommended that vessels follow the guidelines set out in the ATALANTA Maritime Practices Improvement Plan (BMP 5) when transiting the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea, including registering with MSCHOA when entering the Voluntary Reporting Area and reporting any incidents to UKMTO. In addition, vessels entering the IRTC, GOA, Red Sea, should ensure that all on-board security systems are operational.
- Vessels are requested to maintain vigilance when transiting the Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Aden and southern Red Sea. Although these waters are routinely patrolled by CMF, EU NAVFOR and other military units, timely and complete reporting of incidents and suspicious activity remains crucial to enable a rapid response to incidents. If possible and n