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Spanish authorities have established MARITIME SECURITY (MARSEC) LEVEL 2 (ISPS Code) for all Spanish-flagged ships sailing in the Blac Sea.

The north coast of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov have been included in the JWC listed areas (for details see JWLA-30).

After the incidents provoked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Spanish Navy has established a NCAGS (Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping) Cell within its Maritime Surveillance and Operations Centre (COVAM) in Cartagena. This cell permanently monitors Spanish ships in Central and Eastern Mediterranean - including the Adiatic Sea - east of 12ºE, and the Black Sea.

Services provided by the cooperation cell.

The COVAM monitors all Spanish ships in the established area , issuing warnings and providing security information for all those vessels of Spanish national interest which should join the cooperation system by sending a Format ALFA form.

Directions to those ships willing to join the cooperation system.

1. All Spanish-flag ships (and vessels of Spanish national interest) planning to transit the aforementioned area with a destination on the Black Sea are requested to join the cooperation system, by sending and receiving information to the COVAM on the security situation in the area.

2. To do so, they must download the Formato ALFA form and fill-in the MS Excel spreadsheet which is accessible from the link below.


Once completed, the file must be e-mailed to  at least 24 hours before entering the area.

Please enter the following text as subject for the e-mail: Format ALFA BLACK SEA..

3. Upon receiving the Format ALFA, the COVAM will:

a. Contact the sender, providing him with a series of general security recommendations regarding his transit.

b. Send him a peroidic summary on the situation in the area.

c.Monitor the movements of the ship along her transit and, if applicable, send alerts whenever there is any evidence of an incident that may affect the vessel´s security.